Documantory About Politics

The nominees for outstanding politic sand government documentary are among the believers duck world world he is the choice 2016 frontline PBS will a minowar independent lens PBS trump land the naked truth future hooligan sparrow POVPBS and the Emmy goes to the choice 2016 frontline PBS

accepting the Emmy rainey Aronson
executive producer every critic every 
detractor will have to bow down to president Trump it's everyone who's ever doubted Donald who ever disagreed who ever challenged him it is the ultimate revenge to be
come the most powerful man 
in the universe right relaxing thank you so much what a great honor for the last eight 
presidential elections frontline has 
produced the choice it's a to our exploration of the life method of the nation's presidential candidates the highest form of political biography that we produce in 2016 with the biographies of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump we are especially proud of that achievement we are doing serious journalism as so many of us are during these serious 
times I need to thank PBS CPB and GBH 
for their commitment to such serious efforts thank you and so many of you are here with us tonight but Michael Kirk of course the director of this incredible choice is working
he's working on Putin's revenge which is 
coming out just in two weeks or he would 
be here with us tonight a moment about 
Mike he's an inspiration to all of us 
and has been with us actually since the 
start of frontline in fact he's in the 
Edit room Mike Weiser his partner in 
crime co-producer and writer and they're working away on Putin on stage with us tonight is Jim Gilmore who co-produced 
and reported the Trump parts of the film 
and Gabrielle Schomburg congratulations you guys of course our managing editor Andrew Matz and special thanks also to Phil Bennett stiva debt Ben McCoy who masterfully shot this film and ColletteHanna for all that she does  
thank you


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